Saturday, October 16, 2010


After watching over an hour more of tutorials and working with Flash using masking, gradients, the 3-d transform tool, and some others I have created the following image.    I think I was most excited with the 3-d tool!  I was having some frustrations using the gradient transform tool, but I think I get it now.  It was a matter of working with it, getting frustrated, letting it simmer in my brain, and then going back to it later and having an Aha! moment.  I look forward to getting to the actual animation part, but I'm hoping learning these tools will transfer over to Illustrator, the next program I want to learn how to use this year.

1 comment:

  1. Heather-I can't wait to see how things go, and see what you think of Flash! I wasn't quite brave enough to try it just yet! I'm working with Illustrator for my practical experience. I understand the lengthy videos...Illustrator will definitely be something I will be continuing with in week4! Are you using the Lynda videos? A 3-d tool? Wow! Does it add a gradient to objects? Amazing programs!
